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SSC CGL TIER III- Descriptive

Now that the score cards of SSC CGL Tier II has been notified,the students now have to polish their skill of writing for CGL Tier III. As of now, the proposal is to include essay, precise and letter writing with the duration of 60 min. It is in pen and paper mode.
The art of writing includes
1. Right use of language
(Grammar and vocabulary should be taken care of. The construction of the sentences is also important.)
2. Logical thinking
(Ideas have to flow one after the other to draft a good essay. Your thoughts should be balanced with strong arguments and examples should be cited as and when needed.)
3. Proper arrangement of ideas.
(Ideas, even if good, will not be noticed if they are arranged lazily. What should be written as conclusion should never be found in the initial paragraphs. A proper arrangement of ideas can ensure the reader is not swayed.)
4. General awareness
(of the events happening around and this knowledge should be applied when needed)
All these can be made effective only if the candidate concerned dedicates his/her time to
1. Reading newspaper regularly
(For English The Hindu is desirable)
2. Practice writing
(Practice makes man perfect, so start from the moment you have finished reading this blog. And mind you, don’t lose heart with initial frustrations. Such things are quite common, especially to those who have always been in the habit of typing short messages! Success lies with one who can overcome such initial obstructions.)
3. Proper evaluation of the written material
(A written matter without proper evaluation will not improve your writing skills. An empathetic but meticulous guide should do wonders for you.)
CGL Tier III has gained importance since the marks obtained at this level is also taken into account for drafting the final result.