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Current Affairs Quiz , 24 Sep 2019
- September 26, 2019
- Posted by: DOTS ACADEMY
- Category: Quizes
1) Which among the following is the highest advisory body to advise the Central and State Governments in the field of education?
a) Central Advisory Board of Education
c) UGC
d) None of the above
Answer: a
• CABE is the highest advisory body to advise the Central and State Governments in the field of education.
2) Nonylphenol (NP) is a harmful chemical banned in several countries or is being phased out owing to its harmful effects on humans and aquatic organisms. It is found in
a) Detergents
b) Pesticides
c) Industrial solvents
d) None of the above
Answer: a
• The detergents that we are using may have a harmful chemical called Nonylphenol (NP) which is banned in several countries or is being phased out owing to its harmful effects on humans and aquatic organisms.
3) Plagiarism Detention Software (PDS) launched by the union Ministry of HRD is called
a) Shodh Shuddh
b) Shodh Ganga
c) Shagum Portal
d) None of the above
Answer: a
• It is being implemented by Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET), an Inter University Centre (IUC) of UGC
4) West Bank is a landlocked territory. It is bordered by
a) Jordan
b) Syria
c) Lebanon
d) All of the above
Answer: a
• The West Bank is a landlocked territory, which is bordered by Jordan to the east and the Green Line separating it and Israel in the north, south and west.
5) FridaysForFuture is a major climate strike movement going around worldwide initiated by
a) Wildlife activists
b) Graduate students
c) Women
d) None of the above
Answer: d
• It is an international movement of school students who take time off from class to participate in demonstrations to demand action to prevent further global warming and climate change.