Dots Academy > BJP
Current Affairs Quiz 18-05-2023
1. Sendai Framework is related to Health Disaster Transport Education None 2. Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya is seen in the news in the context of Museum PPP projects Trade Awards None 3. International Museum Expo 2023 was held in New Delhi Mumbai Bhopal Chennai None 4. Rattan Lal Kataria was an MP from Kerala Gujarat Uttar Pradesh [...]
Current Affairs Quiz 20-01-2023
1. In which year was the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child ratified by India? 1991 1992 1993 1990 None 2. POCSO Act deals with Children Senior citizens Migrant workers Scheduled Castes None 3. Which of the following schemes aims at foundational numeracy and literacy? PM-JAY AABY NIPUN Bharat UHIS None 4. Who [...]