There is no stopping the SSC! It is heartening to now that SSC has started clearing its backlog of pending exams. The notification dated 27 Dec 2018 has further added the exam dates of Constable (GD) in CAPFs, NIA, SSF, and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles, 2018. Also the long pending exam of SI in […]
There was a general apprehension among the aspirants regarding SSC exams especially in the wake of the inordinate delay in conducting the much awaited SSC CGL and SSC CAPF exams of 2018. To make the matters worse, the near cancellation of SSC CHSL 2017 and further the postponement of Supreme Court hearing on the same […]
There is always a misconception that SSC is all about Maths and English since these are repeated at all stages. There is no denying that Maths and English are very important for SSC but at the same time one cannot overlook the importance of General Awareness especially in the scenario of SSC exams becoming very […]
Once bitten, twice shy: Cops to step up vigil This headline in the New Indian Express couldn’t go unnoticed. So what is the meaning of Once bitten, twice shy? To be cautious and vigilant the second time because you had an unpleasant experience doing it the first time. Another interesting headline which was found in […]
Idioms form an important part of SSC CGL, CHSL and MTS exams – both objective and descriptive exams. Ravi always likes to call the shots- be it at office or home. What does it mean: To call the shots Call the shots means to take control of a situation, to be in charge
The BJP on Thursday accused Congress president Rahul Gandhi of “lying through his teeth” https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/rahul-gandhi-lying-on-rafale-comes-from-family-of-middlemen-bjp/articleshow/66166944.cms lying through his teeth – To tell an outright lie without remorse Ms. Amin took to Facebook to recount her interactions with Mr. Nath. “Everyone in the industry knows that Alok Nath is an obnoxious drunkard who harasses women. Years […]
1. Consider the following statements about Bharat Stage (BS) emission standards 1. The Indian government announced that the country would skip the BS – V norms altogether and adopt BS VI norms 2. The proposed BS VI emission standards will essentially bring Indian regulations into alignment with European union regulations for light cars and commercial […]